Course Acknowledgments

Best Practices for Teaching and Learning Course Acknowledgments

Course Production
MIT Office of Digital Learning, Strategic Education Initiatives

Lourdes Alemán, Ph.D.
Alison Brauneis, Ph.D.

Jugglers (in Interactive Teaching and Active Learning)
Brandon Muramatsu
Barry Pugatch

Instructional Materials
MIT Teaching and Learning Lab
Lori Breslow, Ph.D.
Janet Rankin, Ph.D.
Glenda Stump, Ph.D.

Course Development Team
Lourdes Alemán
Alison Brauneis
Kirky DeLong
Sarah J. Huibregtse
Brandon Muramatsu

Video Production: MIT Academic Media Production Services
Craig Milanesi
Barry Pugatch
Thomas White

Craig Milanesi
Barry Pugatch
Harlan Reiniger

Amanda Justice

For Education Development Center, Inc.
Helen Kamal
Nadya Karim-Shaw

For the MIT Office of Digital Learning, Strategic Education Initiatives
M.S. Vijay Kumar, Ed.D.
Brandon Muramatsu

Support for this project provided by
Education Development Center, Inc.
U.S. Agency for International Development