Content Licensing

When you begin designing and sharing content for your course, including articles, videos, music, and other media, it is important to understand the content licensing laws of your country. There are many venues to access and share open materials. If you are looking for content you can repurpose or adapt for your course, the Creative Commons offers an extensive, searchable database of media with flexible licensing. Resources about licensing are also readily available online for instructors, and that same information should be shared with the learners so they understand the legal parameters surrounding the dissemination, re-posting, and re-mixing of the content.

Resource image

Copyright & Creative Commons

Common Craft

An explanation of
Creative Commons:


Copyright Basics

Copyright Clearance Center

A brief overview of copyright
law is provided:


Copyright for Educators

Peer2Peer University

Online course centered
on copyright law:


Code of Best Practices in
Fair Use for OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare

Recommendations for using
copyrighted materials:
