Depending on how you choose to introduce, curate, or present the learning topics, creative applications of media can further engage learners in the material. A traditional lecture style approach to teaching is not effective in the online classroom. Simply posting your slides within a learning management system does not leverage the interactive learning opportunities available in this dynamic environment.
The integration of media and technology can:
- Introduce and guide main concepts
- Generate interest in a subject
- Reinforce confusing or complex ideas
- Frame overarching themes
- Set the stage for an activity
- Curate a particular approach for how the learner should explore a topic
There are a wide variety of free resources available online to help you create or enhance your lessons with media. Instructors can leverage tools, such as the ones outlined below, to develop dynamic, engaging learning activities.
- Animation
- Audio Editing
- Blogging
- Bookmarking
- Copyright Free Media
- Desktop Publishing
- Image Editing
- Instructional Videos
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- Mind Mapping
- Photo Sharing
- Presentations
- RSS Aggregators
- Slide Sharing
- Social Networks
- Storage
- Surveys
- Timelines
- Video Editing
- Video Hosting
6 Online Presentation Tips
from 60-Second Lectures
Jeff Cobb, Mission to Learn
Author shares best
practices on being concise
and storytelling:
Northeastern University
Online Instructor
Resource Center
Northeastern University
This web page provides
resources for developing
online content: